Monday, April 27, 2009

At a staff meeting the other day, Sayuri nudges me and points at her notebook...I read the following:

Did you ever imagine that one day you'd be at a staff meeting, in ITALIAN?


ha. No Sayuri, I definitely did not.

The best part was when I had to ask a question, in Italian, in front of 25 people...and I got so nervous that I threw in a few verbs in Spanish. great fun.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I don’t remember specific locations or occasions of eating fig newton cookies, but I do remember being with my Dad and eating them until the trays were empty. Now, before this sounds too much like an advertisement for Fig Newton, let me state that not all kids like fig newton cookies. I mean, they’re made of figs! Most kids don’t even know what figs are in Canada (or at least I never knew what the fig Newton was made of…FIG, duh!).

My Dad use to say, and I paraphrase “Let me show you a trick”. He would then break the cookie nearly in half and then piece it back together. Seems like nothing special BUT the cookie actually looked like it had never been broken apart!!! This is really freaking unbelievable when you’re six. I think I thought fig Newton cookies really were magic until I was 16…17…errrr…whatever.

Italians spend hours enjoying lunch. Me and my Dad spent hours enjoying fig Newton cookies. Ah, the small joys of life.

I heart my Dad and fig newton cookies.