Friday, June 19, 2009

Two memories:


After every night shift that my Mum soon as she got home in the morning, she would come to my room, open the door, check on me, and then go to sleep.
I would always wake-up at this moment and be glad she was checking on me...she did this even when I was 18...hahaha. so sweet. Mothers.


Tell me a story
tell me a story
you promised me
you said you would
you gotta give in
so i'll be good
tell me a story
and then

My Dad used to sing this to me when i would beg to read another story before bed...
i loved reading bedtime stories with my Dad.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When I moved to the US for my studies, little did I know that the American people would actually RE-ELECT Bush. Then, while I was in the US, the Canadian elections took place and my one vote was unable to save the Liberals from a Conservative win.

Bush in the US.
Harper in Canada.

Now, I live in Italy and surprise, surprise...Berlusconi is the leader.
How is it possible?

This being said, the Democratic win in the US will hopefully be a beacon of light for that nation...and perhaps Canadians will find themselves looking inward and start questioning whether or not the Harper-way reflects the socialist heart of Canada.

As for Italy...such a beautiful place, such wonderful and intelligent much to improve here and yet...this is nearly impossible with Berlusconi in power...wait, elected into power.

Will the Italian nation wake-up and realise that Berlusconi has no place in Italian politics? He doesn't help the poor, he doesn't help the wealthy (?), he certainly doesn't help the average, how is he still in power?

The Italian people are subjecting themselves to Berlusconi's rule as they continue to allow Berlusconi and his party members to be elected and re-elected.
Please, wake-up...disapprove, with your voices, with your actions...with your votes.

"Ahora veo, como en una pesadilla, que los italianos, que a mí me habían otorgado el placer de la libertad de información y expresión, tienen que leer EL PAÍS para poder saber las desvergüenzas cometidas por su Cavaliere. ¿Dónde quedó aquella Italia a la que el mundo amaba y admiraba?"

Juan Arias
El Pais

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Time time time: vuela...

Me gustaria estar alli para veros crecer...hablaros todos los dias, bromear, correr por la casa, gritar, pelear...

Sois preciosos, de verdad. Mas orgullosa no podria ser.

Siempre estoy pensando en vosotros y espero poder ayudaros en la vida...ser un apoyo.

Troublemaker #1 and #2: os quiero tanto.