Friday, April 18, 2008

Sun shine and 15-21 degrees Celsius.

Toronto, APRIL…all week long!

…for me, this means that I don’t even think of getting on a bus or the subway until I have to…walkity walk walk walk.

I had just passed the Baycrest hospital. As I was crossing the street I see a man on the other side talking to two women. I get closer and hear him say, can you help me cross the street to the hospital. The pair shake their heads, for a moment I thought they didn’t speak English, but then I hear them say a few words followed by a No.

I’m next to them now and I hear the man repeat himself, please, I just need help to cross the street. They repeat No and I ask, can I help you, he says yes, I have MS and I need help crossing the street to get to my Doctor’s appointment. I said sure, and he said to the ladies, clearly annoyed, it wasn’t so hard was it?

We linked arms and he leaned on me heavily. We walked slowly across the street toward the hospital on the corner. He said thanks, I hope I’m not putting you out of your way too much, I laughed, said no, across the street one more time is not out of my way. He said, I have MS and I didn’t bring my walker with me, I just need to get to the door. We walked to the door, said our goodbyes and on my way I went.

Crossing the street again, I saw the two ladies, looking at me as they stood at the bus stop.

I’m not going to lie that I wanted to smack the ladies. Lucky for them, arrest was not on my goal list for that sunshiny day. I even managed not to glare at them.

As I continued walking homeward, I thanked God for my health, my legs and giving me sight to be able to see the opportunity to cross the street with a new friend.

I had a dynamic encounter with one person in less than 10 minutes, no sir, it wasn’t so hard at all.


A man doing construction on the synagogue brought us coffees this morning from starbucks, so kind of him!
The way I see it #99
Success in life is that your kids want to spend time with you once they’ve grown up.
Paul Orfalea
Founder of Kinko’s

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