Sunday, June 01, 2008

Father Ken was my pastor growing up...even on those sunday mornings when I might have preferred sleeping in, I never dozed off listening to his sermons...I always thought it was remarkable how Father Ken could deliver a sermon that could reach a large audience, wasn't shouting religion or christianity rather goodness, kindness, respect and love. He's in London, Ontario now and I haven't heard him give a sermon in some time, but, he does post his sermons online and when I read them I can still imagine his voice and facial expressions...

...this said...
...I'm the most stubborn person I know apart from my Father...and his mother / my Grammy Price...but my heart and mind do welcome growth, even when they seem too biggest challenge in life to this point has been learning to trust.

"which one of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life"...M 6:27

The following is one of Father Ken's sermons from May...

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