Friday, February 15, 2008

During my time in the UK as an overworked (but well-paid) nanny, I used to hear 2 songs daily on the radio in the kitchen that would absolutely turn my day around...seriously...when I hear them now, I am still reminded of those times in the kitchen...preparing breakfast/lunch or dinner for three kids at the age of 22, thinking, sure, I wanted to get to Europe for the summer and work, but, really??? As a nanny???!!! Never again.

The two songs?

1. Al Greene - Let's stay together (I learned from my time living in the southern US that stay generally means remain, or live together)

2. Gladys Knight and the pips - Midnight train to Georgia (funny I ended up living there...)

But truthfully...the same thing happened during the end of my first semester at UF...I would listen to Julieta Venegas - Algo que esta cambiando...I wasn't usually able to write papers with music on...but Julieta caused no problems for me....

Lately, I play a 'mix' CD from Italy a lot when I'm at home and I think of mornings alone in Enrico's apartment with the radio on... and I'm not gonna lie, I danced around on my way to the this last song...
Rooney - When did your heart go missing

...and there was another that came on the radio a lot also....Ligabue - Niente Paura

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