Monday, July 14, 2008

It was fun that during Father Ken's sermon he mentioned having met a charismatic southern Episcopalian pastor and I immediately thought of Benno, the pastor at the Church I attended in Atlanta, Georgia.
Father Ken spoke of how this Pastor's personality shone and his way to speak invigorated.
Effectively, Benno:
Talk of existentialism, a swear word every now and again and a passion for outreach. I thought after hearing Benno a few times, yep, we will get along.

Below is the link to the Sermon Father Ken gave when my Mum and I visited St. James in London July 6th.

It was great to see Father Ken again. I couldn't believe it as I sat there with my had been about 9 years since we'd last seen him. Not only did I get to spend a few quality hours with my Mum on a gorgeously bright Sunday but we got to catch up with Ken and meet Mark, hear of Hillary and Richard....

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