Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Your Candy Heart Says "Cutie Pie"
You always seem to have a hot date, even though you never try to meet anyone.A total charmer, you have a natural appeal that keeps you in high demand.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: multiple dates with multiple people
Your flirting style: 100% natural
What turns you off: serious relationship talks
Why you're hot: you're totally addicting
Go figure!


M. F. said...

My fellow Canadian!

Amazing blog. It's so personal, so nice. Mine is all dedicated to TIFLE but after seeing yours I want to create a personal one, just for me and my friends with lots of pics and nice sayings, that reflects who I am. Hmmm, food for thought.

Keep up the great job! And I like the layout and everything! Did you create this when we started TIFLE?

Kate UF said...

Dearest fellow Canadian Montrealer Maria!
Thanks for visiting! I'm so happy you like my bloglandia. I created it with our class and soon became obsessed...and well...I get bored when there are no pictures because in Lit, with all the reading we do...blogland provides an escape..LOL...and ur right, it's a cool way to keep your friends update on your life, especially when you are far from home like us!!

Kate UF said...

Dear Debbie,
Have no fear! You are not candy heartless...simply go to Joy's blog and access the link from there and you too will acquire a candy heart quiz assessment!!
Kate 'cutie pie' Price