Saturday, December 15, 2007

As a kid, when my Dad was home from work, he loved to prepare breakfast for me in the mornings (I used to be a morning person, and my mood still cooperates with the body, not so much!). He would ask me what I wanted for breakfast...and before I could even respond, he would say, Oatmeal? Of course, I love the answer was often, YES!
We would get the packets of brown sugar oatmeal, incidentally my favourite, and read the quote on the package...sort of like a fortune cookie experience, but at 8:00 am.

When no one was around to see me doing it, I would often empty out the box of oatmeal packets and read all of the quotes then, shove them back in the box and wait to see what i would get when I next had oatmeal.

Why am I writing about oatmeal??? This morning, I had oatmeal. It was disappointing. THERE WAS NO QUOTE ON MY OATMEAL PACKET. Hmmph. I will be certain to tell my Dad this in a week and I am sure that he will also be astonished.

I'd be putting a comment in the oatmeal comment box if I knew where it were or that it existed.

But enough about that, I like oatmeal...boiling water, mix, splash of milk and brown sugar drizzled on top!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

meeeeeeeeee to.
always ate that!
if i dont talk to you before
i hope you have the
most peaceful
love filled
love to you.