Tuesday, December 18, 2007

With Christmas fast approaching, so are many exciting things...
I get to see my Dad. I haven't seen him in well over a year!! Not only that, I get to spend Christmas with him, Marie, Val and Keisha!
I also get to see the scemo, in Italia, que felicidad! Looking forward to meeting his family and friends, andando por la calle con el and even hearing his karaoke. I must be crazy (!). My Aunt Marina seems to be on to what my friends are thinking as in a recent email she posed the question....you didn't give me the return date from your time in Italy....you are coming back, aren't you? jajajaja

I'm going to miss my Mum this year, but we are gonna have our own Toronto post-Christmas celebration which will be great!!

"Bring what has made you who you are and bring it, neither in pride nor in embarassment, but in order to offer it as a gift. It's possible to say to God, 'Use what my experience and my mistakes and false starts have made me in order to let your transfiguring love show through' ".
-Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

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